Strengthen Hands Educational Resources Inc.

The founder is Cameile Henry and the Executive Director is Dr. George Ashley. Cameile has published a growing library of books that enhance children's socio-emotional development and encourage empowerment Here is a list of the books she has right now: Mhina's Gift How Is Peter Feeling Melanin In Me The ABC's of Affirmation You Make … Continue reading Strengthen Hands Educational Resources Inc.

The Sensory Child Gets Organized

The author is Carolyn Dalgliesh. Every year, tens of thousands of young children are diagnosed with disorders that make it difficult for them to absorb the external world. Parents of sensory kids—like those with sensory processing disorder, anxiety disorder, AD/HD, autism, bipolar disorder, and OCD—often feel frustrated and overwhelmed, creating stress in everyday life for … Continue reading The Sensory Child Gets Organized

The Explosive Child

The author is Ross Greene. “Explosive” is just a descriptive term for kids who become frustrated far more easily and more often, and communicate their frustration in ways that are far more extreme (screaming, swearing, spitting, hitting, kicking, biting, cutting, destroying property) than “ordinary” kids Ross Greene Dr Greene explains that children would prefer to … Continue reading The Explosive Child

The Whole-Brain Child

The author is Daniel J. Siegel. Your toddler throws a tantrum in the middle of a store. Your preschooler refuses to get dressed. Do children conspire to make their parents’ lives endlessly challenging? No-it’s just their developing brain calling the shots! In this book, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson demystify … Continue reading The Whole-Brain Child